Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 20 - Free Topic

It was my intention to create this club and see where it takes us...20 weeks later I feel complete and inspired to take more photos from different views. This is our last assignment for now. HOWEVER, do not stop taking photos!!! The world is beautiful and your eye captures all that beauty!

Thank you for participating in my vision.
In LoVE and possibilities,

Free topic...take a photo of whatever inspires you!!!

Through the eyes of a child. (it’s a dinosaur)
~ Alma Thayer ~

This is a picture of what I woke up to on my ceiling on my birthday a couple of weeks ago. Two very important people stayed up late the night before my birthday to put it up so I could wake up to it. True unconditional LOVE is what prompted them to do it and that is what moves me. Without true unconditional LOVE, what else is there? ~ Cat Cruz

This week comes the end to our summer and with that every year comes the County Fair. My dad drives out from Montana and he take the whole fam to go see the rodeo. This was my favorite shot from it.
Big thanks to Mel and all those who participated in the blog. Keep shooting! ~ Eric Morgensen

For my last photo, I decided to do a self portrait because I missed it when that was a topic. I want to thank everyone for inspiring me to take more photographs! I hope to see more of your photos someday.
Love, Kenna Hummer

This photo was taken in Ecuador in the Jungle.
~ Natalie Warr ~

A sunset with a friend.
~ Melissa Grove