Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 19 - Something Old

New Topic...

Something Old
Find an old fence, an old car, an old tire...get creative!
(Thanks Eric for this suggestion!)

As we grow older, we must discipline ourselves to continue expanding, broadening, learning, keeping out minds active and open. ~ CLINT EASTWOOD

This is a shot of an old bronze statue, it was shot on film.
~ Natalie Warr ~

Here is a photo of my grandfathers Brownie camera that he carried throughout WWII. It rests on a book that belonged to my Great Uncle from 1879. These are just two of the many old things that belong to my family in history's past. I am so blessed to have some many of them. ~ Eric Morgensen

I celebrated my 29th birthday for the 11th year in a row on Sunday (you do the math, haha). I guess in some sense those in the younger generation would consider me as "something old." As you can see from the picture, I had THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! Although I am another year older, my motto has always been "age is just a number" so I choose to continue to live, laugh, eat, pray, and love. Hope everyone had a great week off! It's nice to be back. :) ~ Cat

I love old cars. This was sits by my freeway exit and has flowers in the back of the pick up.
~ Melissa Grove ~

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 18 - Doors/windows!

New Topic....Doors or windows!

When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open. - Bob Marley

Be ready for when your time comes, you will have that window of opportunity, so seize the moment and capitalise on it. - Anthony Anderson

Here is a photo of one of my favorite people in the Universe. She so happens to be standing near a doorway and a window. Go check her out at http://www.dawnmitschele.com/
~ Eric Morgensen ~

This sweet face is who opens the door to my every best day ever! :)
~ Cat Cruz ~

This is the front door to where I live. The sun is always shinning.
~ Melissa Grove ~

If you are interested in joining our photo projects please email us here: photos4inspiration@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 17 - Animals


"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language." ~ Martin Buber

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France

I had a visitor at the pier while on my morning walk. I love living so close to the beach! :)
~ Cat Cruz ~

I think I just moved to the bug capital of southern california!! There are always some crazy looking creatures popping in :) This grasshopper was almost 4 inches long!! And stick bugs are just awesome.... I can't wait to see your guyes shots!!! ~Beth Iyaman, love life advocate! ~

I decided to share all the kitties that live with me. The first picture is my cat, Oreo, sleeping in a guitar case. The second picture is a neighborhood cat named Willy. He has adopted me as his new owner. The third picture is another cat that has also adopted my house and I call him "Little Kitty". I absolutely love these little guys!
~ Kenna Hummer ~

Leela, Infinity masquerading around as my stunning and playful dog.
~ Kidest M ~

~ Natalie Warr ~

This is how I spend my mornings and nights sometimes...this is my roommate Stella and she
LOVES her orange ball.
~ Melissa Grove ~

I have taken so many shots of animals that it is hard to choose from. I decided to try and share a photo of something maybe some people have never seen before. This is a type of Nudibranch also known as a Sea Slug. They are not very large, only about an inch or two, and are very slow movers. So they turn out to be one of a divers favorite subjects. Nudibranch’s are typically poisonous to predators that may try to eat them, so their beautiful colors in a way say “don’t eat me, or you’ll be sorry”. ~ Eric Morgensen ~

See you next week my friends!!!

If you are interested in joining our photo projects please email us here: photos4inspiration@gmail.com